Our Story

How It All Began

How do you get rid of head lice or pediculosis in children? What are the best, safest treatments against these noxious pests? These are questions that drove Elizabeth Solovay and Dr. Elin Cohen, two mothers with seven children between them, to find some answers.

Dr. Cohen, a practicing, board-certified pediatrician, was continually being asked by parents:  What’s the best treatment for stopping head lice? At the same time, Solovay, a successful real estate agent in New York, was also battling recurring bouts of pediculosis in her own children. The two women met and agreed that more effective lice treatments were needed in the industry. They combined their knowledge bases – Cohen’s medical and scientific background and Solovay’s business acumen – to develop better methodologies and more effective lice-removal products.

By 2005, they had made enough progress with research and development to start a national business:  Lice Treatment Center®, now headquartered in Monroe, Conn. Dr. Cohen formulated a line of products – by LTC® – that is both chemical-free and effective against head lice, their nits (eggs), and young offspring (nymphs).

Today, LTC® is known nationally for its products and for delivery of around-the-clock, on-site, lice removal services in homes, schools, children’s camps, and other locations. The company is the only lice-removal business in the nation that offers four tiers of services:

  • In-home or on-site lice removal
  • A line of pediatrician-developed, natural & non-toxic ingredients, head lice-removal and prevention products (by LTC)
  • A program of institutional screening and treatment services (Lice Insurance™ Programs for Schools and Camps)
  • A training and certification program in lice removal

Our Lice Insurance™ Programs for Schools and Camps provide checks and lice-removal services on a contract basis, and LTC Lice Technician Training and Certification is conducted regularly at our company’s Fairfield, Connecticut, headquarters.

LTC has successfully served more than 250,000 families over the last 15 years and has satellite affiliates across the country.